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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Bodybuilding - 'Skinny Guy' Genetics and Bodybuilding - Do They Go Together

Bodybuilding - 'Skinny Guy' Genetics and Bodybuilding - Do They Go Together

Bodybuilding - 'Skinny Guy' Genetics and Bodybuilding - Do They Go Together


Bodybuilding - 'Skinny Guy' Genetics and Bodybuilding - Do They Go Together

There are some men out there in the bodybuilding world who can just naturally see a good weight gain. They simply look at a dumbbell and it seems like they build muscle overnight. Then there are those in the bodybuilding world who don't. These are often know as the 'skinny guys' or 'hardgainers'.

Bodybuilding - 'Skinny Guy' Genetics and Bodybuilding - Do They Go Together

These are the individuals who train and train and train, and yet still cannot seem to build muscle if their life depended on it. What's the story with them? Are they destined to live the life of a string bean forever? Or can something be done with them too, to get their body looking more strong and shapely?

Bodybuilding - 'Skinny Guy' Genetics and Bodybuilding - Do They Go Together
Bodybuilding - 'Skinny Guy' Genetics and Bodybuilding - Do They Go Together

You bet there is. These individuals just need to learn the 'hardgainer' secrets that should be applied to their workout program. When they do, they can grow too. It's not magical growth that comes on over night, but it is solid weight gain that is composed of lean muscle mass.

Don't forget, since most of these guys are naturally quite lean, this serves to help them when they build muscle since they won't have to spend near the same amount of time trying to diet the fat off later on.

So yes, you may be 'cursed' with skinny guy genetics, but to look at it another way, this could actually be a blessing in disguise.

Skinny Guy Bodybuilding Principles

That said, there are some general bodybuilding principles that you as a skinny guy must follow. If you fail to do so, you are just wasting precious time in the gym because your body just isn't going to be changing.

The most basic ones include:

More Rest Time

Contrary to popular belief, you need more time to lift

Fewer Isolation Exercises

Those bicep curls, they are not for you my friend, you need a whole new set of exercises

More Dietary Fat

Think you're going to gain weight on a protein and carb diet? Think again.

Untraditional Cardio Methods

Yes, even skinny guys should do some cardio, however you should not be doing typical 45 minute steady state sessions or 20 minute sprint sessions. That will only work against you.

A Different Role Model

If you're currently idolizing one of those naturally big guys you see, you should stop. You are not like him and do not have the same body chemistry. You need to find someone who does and who has beat these skinny guy genetics. Then, you will have found someone who you can relate to.

So, if you're someone who is struggling to add any more weight to the scale, think about these principles. If you aren't putting them into action, you're making a big mistake.

 Bodybuilding - 'Skinny Guy' Genetics and Bodybuilding - Do They Go Together

Bodybuilding - 'Skinny Guy' Genetics and Bodybuilding - Do They Go Together
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Bodybuilding - 'Skinny Guy' Genetics and Bodybuilding - Do They Go Together

Bodybuilding - 'Skinny Guy' Genetics and Bodybuilding - Do They Go Together

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Bodybuilding - 'Skinny Guy' Genetics and Bodybuilding - Do They Go Together

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